Class 2


Welcome to Class 2's learning page!


Class Teacher: Miss Hobson

Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs Lee and Miss Horvath 

PPA cover: Mrs Blakeway (Wednesday)

Key Information

PE days- Tuesday and Thursday 

Homework - Set Monday and due the following Monday

Reading Books- sent home Thursday and due Monday.

Sharing Books- changed whenever you need! 

Cooking- Wednesday (Term 4)

Forest School- Friday (Term 2)

The Tunnel

Rose and Jack are not at all alike. One day they find a tunnel. Where does it go?

Can you tell what happened from our acting? 

Summer Term Newsletter


This term Class 2 have been learning about Kenya. We have learnt about the Maasai tribe, the Maasai Mara, food, weather and how different their life is in comparison to a Kenyan child. Have a look at some outstanding work!



Class 2 have been cooking this term. Have a look at the pictures below to see what we have been making!

They went to the moon in 1969.....

What an exciting journey! Have a read of Year 2's Historical recounts. 

Spring Term Newsletter

 The Great Fire

To end the our Great Fire of London learning journey, Class 2 built some houses in DT and watch them catch fire in Forest School. The saw how quickly fire can spread and thought about how the people who lost their houses felt. We also spoke about fire safety.

Forest School

From bug hotels to rockets and hot chocolate to kites! Year 2 have been having a fantastic 

(and muddy) time at forest school.

The Great Fire of London

This term Class 2, have been learning about the Great Fire of London. So far, we have learnt about how it started, how it spread and how it stopped. We have learnt about some vital people in this part of history.  We have also been learning about Pointillism in art and have created some Great Fire of London inspired art work.

Class 2 took a stroll in the deep dark woods.....

Can you tell which parts of The Gruffalo we are acting out? 

Welcome Back! 

Please see our newsletter below. 

Reading and Writing Supports

Below are writing and reading prompts we use in class. We encourage the use of these at home.

Grow the code: We use these daily to help with reading and writing. They contain each sound the children have learnt in phonics.

Vipers: A great range of questions to develop comprehension skills.

CEW: A list of the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words. We use these to support with spelling.

 Grow the Code 2,3,5.pdfDownload
 KS1 Vipers.pdfDownload
 Year 1 and 2 CEW Alphabetical.pdfDownload
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